[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdates ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Contact/Imprint ] Home > > Bands > > Alte Promo > > Kragens Fotos Dying In A Desert Kragens www.kragens.com Label: Thundering Records / Manitou Music www.thundering-records.com Info: Kragens was born at the end of 2000 in Nice, France. Founded by Cedric Sellier ( Stutters, Thorium ) and Ludwig Laperche, the band’s two guitarists, they were later joined by Renaud Espeche ( Demon Eyes, Lynx). The musical identity of the band was quickly established : powerfully effective heavy metal pieces, with a hint of thrash and backed up by melodic or thrash vocals and a vertuoso guitar solos. Their style was strengthened by the arrival of Olivier Gavelle on drums ( Ace, Dirty Side, Tribal, Slam) and Denis Malek on bass ( Lynx, Carolyn Monroe). Live, several concerts confirmed the group as the new hope of french heavy metal scene. This dynamic pushed the group to record a four tracks cd in october 2001, cementing their success. The media’s reception was excellent, and reviews in Hard Rock Mag, Hard ‘n Heavy, Metal Hammer Greece and Metallian magazines placed the group as Europe’s new hope. Fanzines and Webzines also became involved ... They prepared their first album “Dying In A Desert”, the material was made step by step during two years, depending on the band mood, and creativity level. And the magic came…These good musicians have so many influences, it's impossible to list! some of them : Rammstein, Judas Priest, Grip inc, Iron Maiden, Dio, Pantera, Stratovarius, Prong, Metallica... They all listen to a lot of different metal styles, without frontiers. Kragens wanted to find the best persons to help them making this album the greater they wanted. It was clear for them that Stephan Buriez (Loudblast) and Laurent Nafissi (Dream Child, ...) were the perfect sound engineers, as their experience in recording metal is well knowned. Once the album made, they had to find the artist who will make the cover : Jean-Pascal Fournier (Edguy, Immortal…) has an unique style, and they thought he was the best to draw their « warrior of the future ». He was enthousiastic, and realised one of his best cover with « Dying In A Desert » : They wanted an agressive thing, and they got it, as it looks like an old science fiction book cover…It’s a fact that working with one of the best and famous designer in the metal world is good for Kragens. You can’t miss this CD in the store ! Kragens metal style will spread over the world, because they play an universal metal : powerful and modern, brutal and melodic, high quality sound, all the stuff the metal fans appreciate nowadays. [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Privacy Policy ] [BILD] [BILD] [BILD]