[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdates ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Contact/Imprint ] Home > > Bands > > Alte Promo > > The Foreshadowing > > Album special Fotos Album special Seven Heads Ten Horns THE FORESHADOWING Website / Facebook “Seven Heads Ten Horns” is a semi-concept album (like the previous ones): the main theme is Europe as the new Babylon. It deals with the decline of Europe that foreshadows its coming fall, a view on life nowadays consequent to the failure of United Europe and the resulting hate and intolerance towards different cultures, languages and habits - all these topics have biblical references (the collapse of the Tower of Babel, the scarlet woman with seven heads and ten horns arising from the sea, the mother of prostitutes, etc). Track by track: ISHTAR – an instrumental pilgrimage towards the tower through the door of Ishtar. FALL OF HEROES – the so-called heroes prepare themselves to fall from the crumbling tower they erected. TWO HORIZONS – A mourning doom ballad places us in a difficult dilemma: to stay, or leave? NEW BABYLON – in the central square of a town, a fire is burning like a thorn in the side of The Great Europe. LOST SOLDIERS – The stranger, the loner, the outsiders faces different people, places and words and fights alone for a lost battle. 17 – The scarlet woman riding a beast coming out of the sea, with seven heads and ten horns: all is written in the revelation 17 is coming back to our days. UNTIL WE FAIL – The prophets of religion confess their falsity and their will of corrupting people’s minds in a delirious soliloquy. MARTYRDOM – Not far from here, the echoes of an eastern revolution which scares us. NIMROD - Four chapters in a suite describing the tower fall in the Babel of our times. a) The Eerie Tower: the first movement is the tower erection with goth-doom and post-rock atmospheres. b) Omelia: a brief intermezzo bringing us into a dreamlike universe. c) Collapse: doom and heavy riffs filled with melancholic flavour show the final act of the tower’s collapse. d) Inno al Dolore: The national anthem of the decay of Modern Europe. [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Privacy Policy ] [BILD] [BILD] [BILD]