[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdaten ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Kontakt/Impressum ] Home > > Bands > > Archiv > > Sideburn Fotos Sideburn Sideburn www.myspace.com/sideburnsweden Release: Record Heaven / Transubstans Records / Indigo Info: Swedish band SIDEBURN combines the best of the Classic / Hardrock, blues, doom and the progressive genres with a hint of modern stoner thrown in for the final touches, and comes up with their own unique sound. SIDEBURN's third opus "The Demon Dance" will with it´s bombastic approach take the metal/stoner world with storm. Tracklist: 01. Doomherren 02. Wings of Sorrow 03. Song for hope 04. Fallen Sun 05. Dyin’ Day 06. Shining 07. The Demon Dance 08. Rainy Days 09. Hold Me in Your Light 10. Shapes [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Datenschutz ] [BILD] [BILD]