[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdates ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Contact/Imprint ] Home > > Bands > > Alte Promo > > Alcoholator Fotos Escape From Reality ALCOHOLATOR Facebook Release: High Roller Records 15.05.2015 Info: English version: ALCOHOLATOR from Montreal, Canada, play thrash metal, their lyrics are mainly about “alcohol, violence and moshing” and they are – no, they are not just the Canadian answer to Tankard! Guitarist Matt Butcher can easily explain why: “Well, of course people will automatically associate us with Tankard since we play thrash metal and we like to talk about beer, but musically, most of our songs are much more inclined towards fast and aggressive pissed-off thrash metal than happy party thrash metal! Not to take anything away from Tankard, I love them, I just think we are a distinct band on a different pole of the thrash metal universe.” That's already a very good description, but to get an even better taste of how ALCOHOLATOR sound, add some Razor, Exodus, S.O.D., Kreator, Anthrax and Destruction and spice it with some Megadeth, Sacrifice and Voivod – those are the flavours of ALCOHOLATOR's second full length album “Escape from Reality”. Compared to its predecessor “Coma”, the second output has a lot new to offer: More complex song structures, more interesting riffs, and some special gimmicks: ALCOHOLATOR used some 12-string guitars and a fretless bass in one of the songs, and that one also includes a guest solo from one of the best bass players in metal, Dominic "Forest" Lapointe, who has played with the likes of Atheretic, Augury, Beyond Creation and Quo Vadis. While alcohol, antisocial behaviour and violence in general have been the main lyrical topics on “Coma” Alcoholator have now matured. Well. Not really, or just a bit: “Yeah, I tried to be a little more diversified in my lyrical subjects. There are still some good old drinking songs, but there are also more serious subject matters.” “Escape from Reality” was recorded in two different studios in Montreal: guitars, bass and vocals were recorded at Humanoise Studio, the drums at Studio CME. Mathieu Marcotte (Humanoise Studio again) did the recording as well as the mixing, while the mastering was done by Patrick W. Engel at Temple of Disharmony. The artwork was done by Andrei Bouzikov, who already worked for Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust and many other bands. Now even if ALCOHOLATOR do not ONLY think about booze and hootch, one thing remains to be asked: What's ALCOHOLATOR's favourite drink? Beer or Jägermeister and Bacon (as seen on the internet...)? “BEER! BEER! BEER! I must admit Jagermeister and Bacon was quite a brilliant idea tho! Try it!” German version: Alcoholator aus Montreal, Kanada, spielen Thrash, in ihren Lyrics geht’s um “Alkohol, Gewalt und Moshen”, also sind sie – nein, nicht nur die kanadische Antwort auf Tankard! Gitarrist Matt Butcher erklärt warum: “Klar denken die Leute automatisch an Tankard, wenn sie ‘Thrash und Bier’ hören, aber was die Musik angeht sind wir meilenweit auseinander: Unsere Songs sind schnell, aggressiv und angepisst und kein happy Party-Thrash! Das soll aber nicht heißen, dass wir Tankard scheiße finden, im Gegenteil!” Zum Sound von “Escape from Reality” gehört auch noch einiges mehr: Man mixe Razor, Exodus, S.O.D., Kreator, Anthrax und Destruction, dazu noch ein paar Spritzer Megadeth, Sacrifice und Voivod, fertig ist der Alcoholator-Cocktail! Verglichen mit dem Debütalbum “Coma” hat das neue Album einiges an Neuerungen zu bieten: Komplexere Songstrukturen, ausgefeiltere Riffs and ein paar extra-Schmankerln: Alcoholator greifen zwischendurch auch mal zu 12-String-Gitarren und Fretless-Bässen, außerdem steuert der kanadische Basshexer Dominic “Forest” Lapointe (Atheretic, Augury, Beyond Creation and Quo Vadis) ein Solo bei. Während es in den Texten bisher hauptsächlich um Alkohol, asoziales Verhalten und Gewalt ging, sind Alkoholator inzwischen erwachsen geworden – nein, nicht wirklich, oder nur fast: “Auch was die Lyrics angeht, sind die Songs dieses Mal viel abwechslungsreicher. Es gibt auf ‘Escape from Reality’ immer noch unsere guten alten Sauf- und Partysongs, aber es geht hin und wieder auch mal um ernstere Themen.” “Escape from Reality” hat an zwei verschiedenen Orten das Licht der Welt erblickt: Gitarren, Bass und Vocals wurden im Humanoise Studio aufgenommen, die Drums im Studio CME eingeprügelt. Mathieu Marcotte von Humanoise zeichnet für Aufnahme und Mix verantwortlich, das Mastering lag in den erfahrenen Händen von Patrick W. Engel von Temple of Disharmony, und das Artwork für “Escape from Reality” hat Andrei Bouzikov beigesteuert, der u.a. schon für Municipal Waste und Toxic Holocaust gearbeitet hat. Auch wenn’s bei Alcoholator nicht nur um Alkohol geht, bleibt doch eine spannende Frage: Was trinken die Jungs lieber, Bier oder Jägermeister and Bacon (ja, genau das, wonach es sich anhört!)? “BIER! BIER! BIER! Aber Jägermeister and Bacon ist auch ziemlich geil, müsst ihr probieren!” Genau, und dabei schön “Escape from Reality” hören! Tracklist: 1. Intro 2. Punch Drunk 3. Escape from Reality 4. Dictator 5. The Bleeder 6. -Out of Control 7. Molotov Cocktail 8. Human 9. Plastic Surgery 10. Fuck Your Skull 11. Cursed by My Thirst 12. Cross Me Fool (vinyl only bonus track) Line-up: Matt Butcher - Guitar & Vocals Oli Whiskey - Lead Guitar Phil Macht - Drums Fred Bizier - Bass [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Privacy Policy ] [BILD] [BILD] [BILD]