[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdates ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Contact/Imprint ] Home > > Bands > > Alte Promo > > Non Opus Dei Fotos Eternal Circle Non Opus Dei www.myspace.com/nonopusdeipoland Release: Witching Hour Productions 15.09.2010 Info: Year 1997 gave birth to an entity known later as Non Opus Dei. It was a long way of searching both the world of music and idea, many years spent on trying to presents their own vision of the world. First album for Witching Hour will be underlining band’s legacy, and following the path once chosen. "Years we spent together gave us full awareness - We knew exactly what we want to achieve and how to create such extremity as “Eternal Circle”. Soon after the beginning of composing we knew there will be no place for compromise. Ultrafast drums parts set on the Eternal Circle on its path. However this in not only blast-beats based fast black metal. We focused on the melodic aspect, and most of all on intriguing but consistent arrangements, on guitars playing unusual parts in interesting harmonies…" Recording session started in Bat Studio in Olsztyn where drums were recorded under supervision of Szymon Czech (Nyia, Third Degree) who produced the whole album. Later the band moved to his private studio to record guitar tracks. They finished work at Studio X recording bass and vocals, and returned to Szymon’s studio for mix and mastering. Album was entitled “Eternal Circle” and will hit the stores in September 2010. “Eternal Circle” is 30 minutes of fast, unique, avant-garde black metal. On the lyrical side, the concept will be based on the theory of never-ending cycle which cannot be broken. The same cycle that Nietzsche was told by his Demon. Tracklist: 1. Woda Dla Umar³ych 2. The Prisoner of the Worlds 3. Demon Nietzschego 4. Dark Nebula 5. Przystrojona S³oñcem 6. Death Hussar Legions 7. Point Zero 8. Galaxy in Her 9. Until the Wheel Stops Line-up: Klimorh – guitars & vocals Gonzo – drums Budda- guitars Rochu – bass Discography: "Yfel” – demo 1999 "Iliaest” – demo 2000 "Diabolical Metal” – CD 2002 [War Is Imminent] "Applied Diabology” – MCD 2004 "Sem al diavol va porti al mal” – CD 2004 [Metal Fortress] "VI - The Satanachist's Credo" – CD 2005 [Pagan Records] "The Quintessence" – CD 2006 [Pagan Records] “Zima 2005” – LP 2007 [Czerni Blask Productions] “Constant Flow” – CD 2007 [Empire Records] Concept idea behind album and its title: In my loneliest hour a demon came to me one night and said to me: "Tell me, do you love this life? Because you will have to live it a and again. The great as well as the despicable things, every pleasure and sorrow. So, tell me, do you love this life?". You are asking me if I cursed this demon? No, I just said: "My friend... I want this". *** The Eternal Wheel - the main idea behind the album. That is why Nietzsche’s Demon and his story appear here. This time the everlasting circle of birth, growing and death is seen from the perspective of the eternal recurrence. Nietzsche’s Demon forces us to make a step forward, to evolve into a higher form. Some other themes which appear in the lyrics are connected with the pre-christian spirituality of the lands we come from. All this is interwoven with some visions and dreams. *** Circles within circles. Repeat the journey – again and again, without end. Journey, return, a circle... Silence and word, a conflict... At all places in this time. In no places at no time. The eternal wheel in motion. It all goes forth all the time. And it all will always return - even when death does you apart. Many different worlds, yet each of them becomes the real one. Each of them starts to live within you, and you start to live within each of these worlds. The prisoner of the worlds. Spaces – times – motion. Journey – aim – loot. Victory – rest – stagnation. Search – mistake – downfall. Death - spaces – times... Travelling through space and through time - on the circumference. How to get out of the circle? How to return to the centre? Straight to the zero point... The beginning... *** The same path I tread, wandering the ages, among the spirits of my earth, my blood. I can see her travelling just a few steps ahead of me. She is dressed only in the Sun, Moon, clouds and stars. Clothed in them she walks the eternal circle. Step by step I follow her in this eternal chase for what I desire. I clearly see her dancing in the slow, spiral movements of our Galaxy. I gaze into her eyes –shining stars. I chase comets so as to become entangled in her plaits. Driven by some strange longing, I still find her reflection in this unearthly momentum of light, thought, and space... Who sent her? What news does she bring? Is she for me, here and now? Or maybe she already was? Or she will be? The same path she treads, wandering the ages. With a furtive smile she tramps through the circles. From time without end till time without end. Love your life, this eternal chase, this wandering without end. Love the one you are chasing – the one clothed in the Sun, embellished by the Moon. There is an entire Galaxy in her and she herself is a Galaxy. Follow her – where lands to be conquered. New thoughts, ideas. Warriors to be defeated. The spirit of the expanding universe. The race of conquerors. Follow her to this place – where spaces, times, motion. Journey, aim, loot. Victory, rest and stagnation. So – again in motion, start searching which will inevitably lead to some mistake – sooner or later. And so – downfall. And death... Death, spaces, times... [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Privacy Policy ] [BILD] [BILD] [BILD]