[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdaten ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Kontakt/Impressum ] Home > > Bands > > Archiv > > Self-Inflicted Violence Fotos The Sanctimonious Hypocrites Of Reality SELF-INFLICTED VIOLENCE Facebook Release: Art Of Propaganda 15.12.2014 Info: Sole member Adam Magnox states: "From the depths of my mind, I give you Self-Inflicted Violence. It all started in 2007, with the release of a few demos. Then in 2009, with the release of "A Perception Of Matter And Energy" everything changed. With this new understanding and fresh ideas. It began to create a true feeling of abhorrence. Self-Inflicted Violence is a band which incorporates a strong fusion of styles. Forged in realism with the real thoughts of human condition, and the true cause of human misery. Yet with the comical view's of contradiction which we all follow." Tracklist: 1. Influx 2. Duplicate 3. Blender 4. Noumenon 5. Siren 6. Carousel 7. Recluse 8. Lost [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Datenschutz ] [BILD] [BILD]