[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdaten ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Kontakt/Impressum ] Home > > Bands > > Archiv > > V.F.d.U. Fotos Vertilger Vom Fetisch der Unbeirrtheit Release: Temple Of Torturous 23.09.2013 Info: The obliteration is a principle which sets down the exploitation of external material for every organism. The principle is preserved by the permanent production of biomass. The usage of achievements of destruction becomes the base of all life. Every organism is thrown and obtained through the tunnel of decomposition. This comprehension of the obliteration became the initial point for the musical and lyrical abstractions. 64 minutes of music and a 28pp booklet with photos based on every song and texts in German and English. This piece is thrown to devour. Tracklist: 1. Lachenvieh 2. Schabenbrut 3. Multiformale Leiberdimension 4. Kadavermeer 5. Prothesensucht Biography: V.F.d.U. Vom Fetisch der Unbeirrtheit – “The fetish of the undeterred impetus” The undeterred impetus is the fetish - the sexualization of the psychological trauma. This trauma is the existence itself – existence as the loss of pre-existential emptiness. The impetus is expressing itself in destruction and morbidity – as a negation of existence. As destruction and negation are still deeds, still signs of vitality it is impossible for a living being to be the ruler or the oppressor of its instincts and urges - even if the being has the cognition of the life to be contemptible. The instincts are forcing the living being to commit deeds. Thus, for the sake of intellectual warfare against those instincts, it shall only be possible to commit destructive, negative deeds – and not to fall in total apathy. And the “sexualization” as a cynical allusion for the insuperable bond between man and instincts - in this case, it leads to destruction. The cynicism is: destruction/negation ≠ sexuality/construction/affirmation That fetish can be a replacement-action as well so that the actual deed has no more sexual - or better – no more constructional meaning but a character of destruction instead. The cynicism is voided and the impetus (the negation of existence) is a replacement for suicide – a replacement for the non-being – so ironically also a replacement-action for apathy. Considering the inferior human being which is not able to realize the meaninglessness of existence it leeds to another explanation as those human beings have also a “fetish” that is originating in the same pattern. But the fundamental difference is that those people find their undeterred impetus in ignorance, carelessness and naivety. They are addicted of ignorance and only through this they find their illusive, false peace. Two meanings – marking two opposite directions which display the abyss between the warfare against being and illusive ignorance – internalized in musical and lyricall forms. [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Datenschutz ] [BILD] [BILD]