[ Bands ] [ News ] [ Tourdaten ] [ Hell Over Hammaburg ] [ Kontakt/Impressum ] Home > > Bands > > Archiv > > CB Murdoc Fotos The Green CB Murdoc www.facebook.com/cbmurdoc Release: Spinefarm Records / Soulfood 23.03.2012 Info: There's a specific kind of progressive extreme metal that has in recent couple of years become widely known as “djent”. To think of it, the palm-muted, low-tuned, deep toned riffs (played with guitar-like instruments with way too many strings) do sound something like “djent-djent-djent”. In fact this “djent” is mere preposterous verbiage, a fabricated subgenre title innovated by the forever anally retentive internet nolifes who just love to overanalyze and micromanage everything to bits. And bytes, if they're of the more mathematically inclined variety. But that's beside the point. At any rate, up to now, there's only been a couple of ways to play this “djent”. Either you A) play it EXACTLY like Meshuggah or you're playing it B) wrong. But thank God, with Stockholm, Sweden's CB Murdoc hitting the scene that is about to change. Easiest to depict as the mischievous little brother of Meshuggah, this league of extraordinary djentlemen, CB Murdoc is nothing short of an aggressive onslaught to the human ear and could only be described as jaw-dropping progressive hardcore insanity if it weren't for the musical stretch and diversity of the tracks they throw at us. They leave no listener untouched and no viewer unbroken. Heretics to the genre as they are, these djent heathens have the audacity to incorporate to the music some keyboard loops and to toy around with sounds like doorbells and whatnot. They even commit the ultimate sin of using innovative melodies! To cut a long story short, CB Murdoc pretty much redefines the whole genre. Almost the whole group has undergone their music business 101 previously in the not completely obscure black metal band Mörk Gryning. In CB Murdoc, the extreme metal trends certainly are still there, but this is an entirely different musical delivery with the precise technicality of an atomic clock and the in-your-face brutality of hardcore. While it hardly can be called “beautiful, with a whirling maelstrom of blasting drums, guttural vocals and blistering riffs, it all successfully hovers on top of an intricate and mind bending structure with melodies that compel you to dig deeper... faster, harder, scooter! Whatever that might mean. But hey - then again, before you read this sheet, you didn't know what djent is either, did you now? Tracklist: 01. Devon 02. Patch 03. Changeling 04. Adore 05. Two In One 06. Trinkets Of Deceit 07. D.I.D. 08. By Omission Line-up: Johan Ljung – cast iron throat Johan Larsson - synths/noise Thomas Hellgren – oomph! Fredrik Boëthius Fjärem - djent Kim Wenneström - djent C-G Bäckström – perplexing polyrhythms [ Promotion ] [ Publishing ] [ Datenschutz ] [BILD] [BILD]