Pulverised Records 09.05.2024
"Atmospheric death metal". Three simple words to describe one’s music, chosen by JADE mainman J. himself, although they don’t seem to quite pay justice to the gigantic scope of their music. Because ever since the release of their debut demo back in 2018 they’ve proven again and again to be more. Much more.
Historically speaking, the word ‘jade’ referred to a rare but really valuable mineral in ancient times all over the world. From Mesoamerican cultures to Chinese and Southern Asian ones, the greenstone was conferred with deep spiritual symbolism and used to connect the earthly level to the unknown. The history of the countless traditions, legends and cults remain as an endless source of topics in terms of lyrics for the band, with a rich historical narrative also poetized. JADE’s music is described by J. as "a tribute to the timeless obscure metal language, from early death/doom manifestations to later atmospheric black acts, in a really heavy, intense and epic form which transcends ages, as the greenstone cult has endured."
The sophomore album, and second full-length after last year split LP with SANCTUARIUM, "Mysteries Of A Flowery Dream" carries an ominous wave of darkness, redefining heaviness with new levels of musical production and arrangements, compared by J. to "a journey into the dialogue between conscious and subconscious dreaming states and the mysteries around."
The album’s lyrics are in direct line of those themes, echoing the celestial world and how it can help us overcoming ominous times ("The Stars’ Shelter"), how dreams can be interpreted as omens ("Light’s Blood") and how they allow us to travel the Mayan cosmovision and its various worlds for guidance, healing and messages ("Shores Of Otherness"), among others. You can even find on the cover artwork elements of the ancient Mesoamerican cosmovision, mainly the powerful moon goddess Ixchel, a creative yet destructive entity, portrayed here as the Spider and threading human fate like an umbilical cord, determined to give life but also to destroy it if needed. A frightening, fragile yet utterly fascinating balance perfectly illustrated by "Mysteries Of A Flowery Dream".
A tape edition of the album will be released by Iron Fortress.
"Shores Of Otherness" - Official Video Clip:
1. The Stars’ Shelter 2. Light’s Blood 3. Shores Of Otherness 4. The Stars’ Shelter (II) 5. 9th Episode 6. Darkness In Movement 7. A Flowery Dream
J. - Bass & Vocals (Foscor, Graveyard) A. - Guitars (Vidres a la Sang, Foscor, White Stones) C. - Guitars & Synths (Todo Mal) B. - Drums (Todo Mal) 